Unleashing greatness through transformational education

Our Story

30 years ago, ACE never intended to be a school, let alone a chain of international schools. Teacher Anne Tham was a determined mother and a concerned teacher who noticed something really strange. It didn’t make sense that after 11 years of studying English in school, her college students had little to no mastery of the language and worse still,  no skills to succeed at college and uni level work. Then it hit her that her daughters were in this system as well.

After failing to find a good English class, she started one in her dining room with 6 students. She infused real-world skills in English. Many years later she realised that we could infuse it into any syllabus. All it took was for her sister, Melinda Lim, to come back from Singapore. This gave birth to The ACE Method which the school is recognised for at an International Level. Namely by Education Alliance Finland and Cambridge University Student Union. This humble beginning eventually spurred off into our home schooling center, Sirius Scholar and two international schools, Sri Emas and Dwi Emas.

Our team of passionate teachers share Teacher Anne’s vision and her spirit of innovation. It’s with that spirit that they continue to take ACE’s pedagogy to the next level. If you talk to real world leaders today, their biggest complaint is newly qualified employees entering the real world of work are doing so with the wrong mix of skills, which means everyone needs to be trained again on the appropriate skills needed to be effective. The gap has been growing for years, now faster than ever before because of the rate of change in the world of work.

The ACE unique solution to this problem, has been to take Experienced and Qualified people from the World of Work, and provide them with teacher training. The upside of this approach is that all teachers are able not only to teach content, but more importantly, put that content into real world context, so the understanding and knowledge gained by students has Real Relevance in the world of work. So when ACE students get to the world of work they hit the ground running, because we close the gap.

Effectively this means our ACE teachers are overqualified, because we are taking real world professionals, then training them internally with our Finland certified training program (EAF). The outcome being ridiculously interactive classes that make content memorable and relevant. We have professionals from a broad range of disciplines:

This Diversity adds to the richness of our culture and environment.

Perhaps the most unexpected result of the ACE Method is that we made schooling so fun our students don’t want to go for school holidays.

Today, we have Lil Unicorn, a pre-school, and ACE EdVenture Biosphere, a curriculum centered on entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability. They are the epitome of Education for the Future representing the current pinnacle of The ACE Method – making the gradual shift away from theory-based examinations and instead supporting our students to focus on exploring the practical skills and knowledge they need for their future.

More than ever, education cannot be just about knowledge. Education needs to Maximise Human Potential.

ACE in Numbers

Years of Experience
Students Empowered with
The ACE Method
0 +
Years in Business
Experience in Teaching
Financial Education
0 Years
Experience with
Entrepreneurial Curriculum
0 Years
Students in ACE EdVenture
0 +
Overqualified Teachers and Coaches
Revenue from Students' Businesses
(as of Dec 2024)
USD 0 +

Cambridge IGCSE Exams in Numbers

Exam Series We Have Prepped Students For
Exam Series We Have Conducted as Exam Centers
Graduating Batches
Numbers of A and A*
0 +

Education Ecosystem

We constantly embark on this ACE cycle as new real-world trends and demands surface.




We ADAPT to current and future industry trends to CREATE ecosystems and curate education EXPERIENCES that anchor and impact your children’s skills acquisition and learning for life. This results in an educational experience that maximises your children’s learning, growth, and human potential.

Our Commitment

First, we hire Real-World Industry Experts. To ensure they bring their Real-World Experience and Knowledge into their lessons, they train and get ACE-ified with our highly-rated Teacher Training Program.

Second, we’re building our business network so we’ve always got a pulse on the real world which works as a feedback loop to enrich our education ecosystem and ensure our students will always get a real-world education experience.

Our Values


Treat everyone (including you) and approach everything with a deep sense of respect, humility, kindness, and compassion.


Create fun and joyous moments in everything we do to create memories that stick.


Create empowering relationships with each and every person in our ecosystem and support them in unleashing their greatness.


Practice operating from a space of gratitude/thankfulness towards one another and in our triumphs and challenges.

Acceptance of Diversity

Create approaches and frameworks that uniquely support every individual in our ecosystem.


Ensure that everything that we create will impact humanity in an empowering way for generations to come.

vision To nurture ALL children to have real-world value now!

For their future of uncertainty and constant change!
mission We are Education Innovators setting the standard in keeping with the speed of change in the world. To multiply our students’ value by 4x and more in the same time it takes to acquire academic skills. To nurture 5,000 Student Entrepreneurs in 5 years. To replicate our Real-World Curriculum in 1,000 schools globally in 5 years.

Code of Honour

Respect Everyone’s Time

Be on time and let people know ahead of time when you can’t.

Be Responsible

Live above the line with thoughts, words, actions, emotions and deeds.

Be Clear & Upfront with Feedback

Be ready to give and receive feedback from a place of love and care.

Celebrate All Wins

Recognise effort, results and progress.

Unity of Purpose

Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, driven towards result.

Be Hungry for Learning

Commit to personal growth and learning.

Take Ownership

Be active, accountable, contributing and focused.

Commit to Excellence

Live the ACE Culture and Method.

Omnidirectional Communication

Commit to delivery of the message.

Be Passion

Being the embodiment of the word “Passion” and commit to creating our environment from the space of love, creativity and fun.