Our Transformational Education Ecosystem

Dwi Emas

Ensuring Our Kids Will Thrive in Uncertain Times
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We created Malaysia’s First Entrepreneurial school, Dwi Emas International school. Why entrepreneurship? Because great entrepreneurs have the qualities necessary to Thrive in Uncertain Times (2020 anyone?) like Resourcefulness, Creativity and Persuasiveness. Most importantly, they know how to multiply seed money by Creating Massive Value for everyone around them. Let’s face it, Wealth Generation is an Essential Survival Skill today. Dwi Emas International School is an Education Ecosystem that’s safe for our children to dream up and test their business ideas, be mentored by successful entrepreneurs and acquire the ethical skills to make money by keeping People, Planet, Passion and Profit in mind.

Sri Emas

Creating Masters of Technology
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Psst! We have something brand new and exciting happening! 2021 is bringing about a transformation of Sri Emas into a Digital and E-sports School. We believe that children should not become slaves to their devices. Rather, they should be empowered with the skills to use technology to enhance their daily lives and make the world a better place. When these habits are ingrained at a young age, it becomes second nature to them. This gives them massive value as graduates when they step into the workforce, allowing them to have a choice to take up leadership positions or create jobs for themselves.

ACE EdVenture Biosphere

Ensuring Your Children Future Relevant
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Many parents send their children to school with the intention of giving them a strong foundation to be successful—holding top leadership positions in companies or generating massive wealth so their future is Enduring and Abundant. What most parents do not realise is that Basic Skills = Basic Pay. And unfortunately, Basic Skills often lead to job loss in difficult times like pandemics and economic downturns where even bankers and engineers are forced to upskill themselves to stay employed.

Cue, ACE EdVenture Biosphere, the first school in the world to teach NatureTech. It is our latest Innovation that ensures your children gain and keep an edge from working with Real-World Industries. From the get-go, they will be put to the Test that Really Counts: coming up with solutions to Real-World Problems using the Academic Knowledge and Human Skills they acquire. Imagine what kind of adults they will become as they undergo the process of starting and running their own initiatives and businesses as part of their regular school day for years to come.

Lil Unicorn

Nurturing Outstanding Characters from a Young Age
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When our children are toddlers, they naturally possess the qualities of great leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs: Outspokeness, Courage to Fail and Creativity. However, societal norms, as we’ve all experienced as adults, teach us to play safe and be mediocre. At the Lil Unicorn, we believe in nurturing this Greatness from the get go to create Lil Unicorns who have the potential to, one day, create the next unicorn company (SpaceX or Grab maybe?). The Lil Unicorn is the first Finnish-Asian hybrid kindergarten which utilises the latest innovation of The ACE Method and the best Finnish pedagogy to Cultivate and Reinforce the strengths they are already born with giving them a Massive Headstart in life.


Creating Experts For The Future
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At MITstem International School, we believe in equipping our students with the skills needed for 21st century success! This is why we think that the focus on STEM is vital for today’s generation of trailblazers to solve future challenges.

Learning STEM doesn’t have to be a serious task. As MITstem International School is powered by ACE EdVenture, students here get to experience a vibrant, engaging style of learning that comes with the ACE Method – which has been pushing the boundaries of education since 1995 and has helped thousands of children improve their grades while having fun.


ACE EdVenture in Penang


ACE Penang

Stay Tuned

An ACE EdVenture international school is coming soon in Penang. The school offers an experiential, enjoyable and engaging learning EdVenture for primary and secondary school students from ages 7 to 17. Themed social entrepreneurship, the school focuses on grooming students to adopt an entrepreneur mindset and become a problem solver, keeping in mind to always give back to society. To face the reality of an uncertain future, armed with the knowledge that jobs today may not exist tomorrow, the best way to prepare students for that is to build on their character, social and emotional well-being. It’s the ACE EdVenture Education Group’s topmost priority in transforming the education landscape in Malaysia.

ACE EdVenture Studio

Creators of Bestselling and Multi-Award Winning Educational Comics and Games

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Mary Poppins

Think back to the last time you breezed through a task you hated simply because you were having fun or you found something to enjoy about it. In our 26-year teaching experience, studying becomes easier for most of our students because we use stories and games to amplify the tiniest speck of fun in that dreaded task. At ACE EdVenture Studio, we follow that wisdom to create science comics like Amazon bestseller, Petticle Planet, and multi-award winning game, ChemCaper, that helps kids master chemistry—voted the most difficult science subject.

WARNING: Side Effects Students May Experience from Storyfied and Gamified Education include:

  • Enjoying learning a subject (and finally understanding it!)
  • Grades improving by 1-3 tiers
  • Mastering 21st Century skills (strategising, problem-solving, and analysing, etc.)
  • Increased levels of Self-Awareness and Social Skills

An Online Media Playground for Our Students

Smile! You’re on Camera! For many of us, the idea of standing in front of a lens is terrifying. We wanted our students to have a space to confront their fears and turn that into the ability to create empowering content around their passions so, we created ACE TV. This Media Playground is a space where our students gain confidence through experimenting with filming, vlogging and streaming–skills that put them in front of the pack when they graduate. After all, their future is in Online Channels and Streaming.

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ACE EdVenture Market Store

An Online Entrepreneurial Playground for Our Students

She hid her trembling hands in her pockets. “Be confident,” she reminded herself firmly as she pressed the button that launched her first online store – Sales is the lifeline of any business. It provides much needed cashflow that you use to take care of your family or live a comfortable life. For most people, sales is highly uncomfortable. Today, it’s evolved to the online space. What if you had the opportunity to learn how to do it on a safe platform with the guidance of kind and sagely mentors? That’s what our students get when they start an online business with the ACE EdVenture Market Store.

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Creating Adaptable and Ethical Wealth Wizards

Imagine being a farmer in the Agriculture Era but you can’t seem to grow a carrot or turnip or raise a calf. That’s what it’s like for most people in the Innovation Age today. They have jobs but few really know how to make money and they get into massive trouble when they lose them. The Powerpreneur Program is designed to teach the most essential survival skill today: Wealth Generation. The key to unlocking that is entrepreneurial skills like creating massive value, resourcefulness and turning ideas and passions into ethical businesses that serve the four tenets: People, Planet, Passion and Profit. This way, our children become Wealth Wizards with the ability to Thrive in good and bad economic times.

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ACE Pixel

The Digital Backstage Crew for Schools

ACE Pixel was our attempt to create an integrated Digital Solution that our schools can run on. It was an inspiring endeavor that taught us many lessons about designing and producing a tech solution for education. Today their star product Examanix, helps small exam teams manage hundreds of IGCSE candidates with ease.